
added in 0.1

Provides time-oriented “watchers” for Potamic queues.


(create-sentinel {:keys [queue-uri queue-name queue-group init-id frequency start-offset handler], :or {start-offset 0, init-id 0}})

Returns a new Sentinel record. Once created, use the Sentinel’s methods to retrieve config and to manage state.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Required Default
queue-uri Redis URI none
queue-name key name none
queue-group Consumer Group none
init-id starting stream ID 0
frequency (ns) interval to run at none
start-offset ms to wait to start 0
handler 1-artity fn of this none


Attr Type Description
:started? boolean set on q/start-sentinel!/q/stop-sentinel!
:stopped? boolean set on q/start-sentinel!/q/stop-sentinel!
:n-runs int increments for every interation at frequency


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          (fn [this]
            (println "RUN:" (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/SentinelProtocol
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!



Protocol for Sentinel.



(get-attr this attr)

Returns specific state attr for Sentinel.


Attr Type Description
:started? boolean set on q/start-sentinel!/q/stop-sentinel!
:stopped? boolean set on q/start-sentinel!/q/stop-sentinel!
:n-runs int increments for every interation at frequency


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/get-attr s :started?)
;= false

(do (q/start-sentinel! s) nil)
;= 2023-06-30T17:06:26.341Z m INFO [potamic.sentinel:618] - \
;= [potamic.sentinel] Started Sentinel for  my/queue
;= nil
;= RUN: 1
;= RUN: 2
;= RUN: 3

(q/get-attr s :started?)
;= true

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!


(get-frequency this)

Returns frequency for Sentinel.

NOTE: This value is immutable.


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/get-frequency s)
;= 2000

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!


(get-handler this)

Returns handler for Sentinel.

NOTE: This value is immutable.


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/get-handler s)
;= #function[user/fn--37246]

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!


(get-init-id this)

Returns init-id for Sentinel.


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/get-init-id s)
;= 0

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!


(get-queue-conn this)

Returns queue connection for Sentinel.

NOTE: This value is immutable.


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/get-queue-conn s)
;= {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=  :pool
;=  #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=  {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool[..]

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!


(get-queue-group this)

Returns queue group for Sentinel.

NOTE: This value is immutable.


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/get-queue-group s)
;= my/group

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!


(get-queue-name this)

Returns queue name for Sentinel.

NOTE: This value is immutable.


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/get-queue-name s)
;= my/queue

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!


(get-signal-channel this)

Returns signal channel for Sentinel.

NOTE: This value is immutable.


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/get-signal-channel s)
;= #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel
;=         0x44973096
;=         "clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel@44973096"]

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!


(get-start-offset this)

Returns start offset for Sentinel.

NOTE: This value is immutable.


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/get-start-offset s)
;= 0

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!


(get-state this)

Returns all state for Sentinel.


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/get-state s)
;= {:started? false, :stopped? false, :n-runs 0}

(do (q/start-sentinel! s) nil)
;= 2023-06-30T17:06:26.341Z m INFO [potamic.sentinel:618] - \
;= [potamic.sentinel] Started Sentinel for  my/queue
;= nil
;= RUN: 1
;= RUN: 2
;= RUN: 3

(q/get-state s)
;= {:started? true, :stopped? false, :n-runs 4}

(q/stop-sentinel! s)
;= true
;= 2023-06-30T17:06:39.462Z m INFO [potamic.sentinel:628] - \
;= [potamic.sentinel] Stopped Sentinel for  my/queue

(q/get-state s)
;= {:started? false, :stopped? true, :n-runs 7}

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!


(set-attr this k v)

Sets k to v in state atom. Returns Sentinel. This is primarily intended to be used to track encapsulated user state through a Sentinel’s lifetime.

Built-in State:

Attr Type Description
:started? boolean set on q/start-sentinel!/q/stop-sentinel!
:stopped? boolean set on q/start-sentinel!/q/stop-sentinel!
:n-runs int increments for every interation at frequency


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/set-attr s :process-count 52)
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=               :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool[..]}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--37246]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel[..]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0
;=                :process-count 52}
;=               0x2a042d0a]}

(q/get-attr s :process-count)
;= 52

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!


(start-sentinel! this)

Starts a Sentinel. Returns modified Sentinal ("this ") after instantiation.

This method has side effects:

  1. It will create the queue (stream) if it doesn’t exist.
  2. It logs a message, stating it has started.
  3. It mutates its own internal :state atom.
  4. It launches a go loop (via core.async thread pool)
  5. It can only be stopped by potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel! or crashing.


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/start-sentinel! s)
;= 2023-06-21T19:01:45.533Z m INFO [potamic.sentinel:252] \
;=   - [potamic.sentinel] Started Sentinel for  my/queue
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel {:queue-conn [..]
;=                     :queue-name my/queue
;=                     :queue-group my/group
;=                     [..]}
;= RUN: 1
;= RUN: 2
;= RUN: 3
;= [...]

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/stop-sentinel!


(stop-sentinel! this)

Stops a Sentinel. Returns modified Sentinal ("this ").


(require '[potamic.sentinel :as q])

(def s (q/create-sentinel
         {:queue-uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"
          :queue-name 'my/queue
          :queue-group 'my/group
          :frequency 2000
          :handler (fn [this]
                     (println "RUN:"
                       (q/get-attr this :n-runs)))}))
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel
;= {:queue-conn
;=  {:spec {:uri "redis://default:secret@localhost:6379/0"}
;=   :pool #taoensso.carmine.connections.ConnectionPool
;=   {:pool #object[org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool]}}
;=  :queue-name my/queue
;=  :queue-group my/group
;=  :init-id 0
;=  :frequency 2000
;=  :start-offset 0
;=  :handler #function[user/fn--33742]
;=  :signal-chan
;=  #object[clojure.core.async.impl.channels.ManyToManyChannel]
;=  :state #atom[{:started? false
;=                :stopped? false
;=                :n-runs 0} 0x217abcc9]}

(q/start-sentinel! s)
;= 2023-06-21T19:01:45.533Z m INFO [potamic.sentinel:252] \
;=   - [potamic.sentinel] Started Sentinel for  my/queue
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel {:queue-conn [..]
;=                     :queue-name my/queue
;=                     :queue-group my/group
;=                     [..]}
;= RUN: 1
;= RUN: 2
;= RUN: 3
;= [...]

(q/stop-sentinel! s)
;= 2023-06-21T19:01:58.466Z m INFO [potamic.sentinel:262] \
;=   - [potamic.sentinel] Stopped Sentinel for  my/queue
;= 2023-06-21T19:01:45.533Z m INFO [potamic.sentinel:252] \
;=   - [potamic.sentinel] Started Sentinel for  my/queue
;= #potamic.sentinel.Sentinel {:queue-conn [..]
;=                     :queue-name my/queue
;=                     :queue-group my/group
;=                     [..]}

See also:

  • potamic.sentinel/create-sentinel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-init-id
  • potamic.sentinel/get-frequency
  • potamic.sentinel/get-start-offset
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-conn
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-name
  • potamic.sentinel/get-queue-group
  • potamic.sentinel/get-handler
  • potamic.sentinel/get-signal-channel
  • potamic.sentinel/get-state
  • potamic.sentinel/get-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/set-attr
  • potamic.sentinel/start-sentinel!